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Mathematics-Online lexicon:

Complex Scalar Product

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z overview

A scalar product in a real (complex) vector space $ V$ is a map

$\displaystyle \langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle:\, V\times V \to
\mathbb{R}\ (\mathbb{C})

having the following properties:
$ \langle v,v \rangle > 0$ für $ v\ne 0$
$ \langle u,v \rangle =
\overline{\langle v,u\rangle}$
$ \langle \lambda u, v \rangle =
\lambda \langle u, v \rangle$
$ \langle u+v, w \rangle =
\langle u,w\rangle + \langle v,w\rangle$
for all $ u,v,w\in V$ and $ \lambda\in\mathbb{R}\
(Authors: Burkhardt/Höllig/Kreitz)

see also:

[Annotations] [Examples]

  automatically generated 3/15/2005