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Mathematics-Online course: Preparatory Course Mathematics - Linear Algebra and Geometry - Systems of Linear Equations

Linear System of Equations with two Variables

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A linear system of equations in two unknowns ("variables") $ x$ and $ y$ has the form

ax & + & by &=& f \\
cx & + & dy &=& g\,.

The system has a unique solution for all $ (f,g)$ , iff

$\displaystyle \Delta = ad-bc\neq 0\,.

The solution

$\displaystyle x=\frac{df-bg}{\Delta}\,,\qquad\quad

can be interpreted as the intersection of the lines given by the two equations.
If $ \Delta=0$, the lines are parallel to one another. In this case either no solution exists or - if the lines coincide - there are infinitely many solutions.
(Authors: Höllig/Abele)

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