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Cyclic Codes |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | overview |
Generating Polynomials
In the following let be a prime power and denotes the field with elements.
A linear code is called cyclic, if
A cyclic code is described by an ideal in ; each code word is identified with
Note that is not a field because is not irreducible. Assume from now on that is not divisible by . Starting with a factorization
Such a polynomial of degree is called a generator polynomial of the cyclic code of dimension . A generator matrix is
Minimal Distance in Cyclic Codes
The minimal distance of cyclic codes is in general difficult to determine. The following estimation is known.
Let be the Euler - function, i.e. denotes the number of which do not divide .
If is a zero of in with , then is called a primitive -th root of unity over .
Let be a cyclic code and a primitive -th root of unity. If for each choice of , then .
Coding with Cyclic Codes
Let be a cyclic code with , length and dimension . In order to find for a given information word a code word , controlbits are calculated with the aid of polynomial division. For this the information word is first written as an element of .
Polynomial division of through yields the residue
Now the code word to the given information word is
automatically generated 7/14/2005 |